Food Glorious Food

You may not think of cookbooks when you think of the Sheridan Libraries. While we might not have the current bestsellers that you’ll find at the public library, we do […]

Keats Through the Years

You may remember Hopkins undergrad Jessica Terekhov’s earlier piece on Charles Dickens. Here, Jessica discusses her encounter with first editions of Keats works housed in Special Collections! Among the Romantic […]

Attention Authors! Use ORCID!

I’ve posted before about ORCID. This service will help to identify academic authors uniquely by assigning a persistent digital identifier to each registered author. The semester is over, so you […]

Baltimore From Above, c. 1937-38

A happy conjunction of a US government crop acreage analysis in the 1930s and Baltimore’s City’s uncommon physical incorporation (surrounded by, but not part of, Baltimore County) has provided The […]