As our daylight hours dwindle, I am always reminded of Dylan Thomas. Not because he wrote “A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” but because of his poem “Do not go gentle […]
Let There Be Light!

As our daylight hours dwindle, I am always reminded of Dylan Thomas. Not because he wrote “A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” but because of his poem “Do not go gentle […]
The Sheridan Libraries’ Special Collections, a treasure trove of research and teaching material, has just grown by one very significant acquisition. A gem in the multi-faceted field of German Expressionism […]
At some point, we all travel and explore new places. While you’re globe-trotting, don’t forget to visit libraries! Seriously, some libraries are tourist attractions and well-worth a visit. Even the […]
Why do I love these lists so much? Every December, I look forward to the various year-end lists of best books put out by newspapers and other periodicals. True, they […]
What is it about summer and reading? The 2 words seem to go together everywhere you look. I guess the assumption is that people have scads of free time in […]
The library has access to a really interesting, unique and incredibly useful online resource. It goes by the curious acronym of PEP, but its actual title is more illuminating – […]
Just a reminder to all you stressed students out there – the library can help! There is a reference librarian on duty on M Level of MSEL in the Research […]
New Year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep. Here are 5 we can help you with! Find out who your liaison librarian is. Whether you’re a grad student and need […]
Well, not exactly. We all know what “rare” books are, right? Generally any book produced before 1800, as well as books that have a particular value or, well, rarity. But […]
… but library research is still an art. In fact, people write books on the subject. Thomas Mann, (a reference librarian at the Library of Congress, not the dead German […]