Want to check out a book? Is there a line at the Service Desk? Has the Service Desk closed for the evening? No worries. Use Hopkins Self-Checkout! Use your cell […]
In A Hurry? Use Hopkins Self-Checkout!

Want to check out a book? Is there a line at the Service Desk? Has the Service Desk closed for the evening? No worries. Use Hopkins Self-Checkout! Use your cell […]
The Peabody Ballroom Experience is an ongoing public humanities collaboration between Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore’s ballroom community, a performance-based arts culture comprising gay, lesbian, and transgender people of color. […]
In recent years there has been a strong “public turn” within universities that is renewing interest in participatory action research, community-based learning, and collaborative approaches to knowledge creation. Academic institutions […]
As you can guess, our librarians here at Johns Hopkins are busy providing support to our students and faculty; however, this year we were able to snag a few interviews […]
Johns Hopkins University has learned of a data leak at Elsevier, the provider of platforms such as Science Direct and Mendeley, and a major publisher of scholarly journals. An Elsevier […]
It’s Opening Day and we’re sharing a snippet of Johns Hopkins history for baseball fans. After the Carroll family sold Homewood in 1838, it was let to a series […]
The Sheridan Libraries are seeking input from full-time faculty in the schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering, Education, and Business about the role of the libraries in supporting the needs […]
This blog post comes from one of our four Freshman Fellows, Sarah Elbasheer, who is researching the ways people valued books at and after the time of print, and how […]
My name is Taharat Sheikh and I am one of four incredibly fortunate freshmen chosen to be a Special Collections Freshman Fellow. I plan to pursue a double major in […]
Today, we commemorate the 51st anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death: his assassination by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennessee, where King was preparing to march on behalf […]