In 1889, the undergraduates of The Johns Hopkins University published their first yearbook. Entitled The Debutante, the little book with a black-and-blue cover consists of 110 pages, and only a handful […]
Ouch That Hurts!
Every year the library circulates hundreds of thousands of books. In addition to circulating books, patrons use thousands of books in the library that are not checked out. Usually, the […]
The Divine Comedy: 800 Years Young
Canon wars aside, on anyone’s list of the most important works of all times you will surely find Dante’s Divine Comedy. Written 800 years ago, this poem in 3 parts […]
Literary Baltimore Part 2:
Edgar Allan Poe, check. But what other writers are known for a Baltimore connection? Someone lesser known outside of Baltimore, but revered by locals is the acerbic H. L. Mencken. […]
Literary Baltimore
Once upon a time, Baltimore was known as “the city that reads.” Then Mayor Kurt Schmoke coined this moniker in 1987, and while many have derided it, Baltimore does indeed […]
What’s new in Museum Studies? For one thing: the Research Guide!
There are so many people at Hopkins interested in Museum Studies that we are constantly thinking of new ways to meet research needs for Hopkins’ museums staff and faculty and […]
Think Librarians Know EVERYthing?
Think again! While the librarians in the Eisenhower Library are all subject specialists, we are also “generalists” and need to help patrons in any and all fields of study, because […]
Finding the Real Thing
Many assignments for JHU courses require students to find and use “primary resources.” What the heck are primary resources, and how in the world do you find them? This is […]
Fascination with Animation!
From Mickey Mouse to Japanese Anime, animated films have fascinated us for decades. And, animation is of scholarly interest here at Hopkins in the Film & Media Studies Program. Karen Yasinsky, […]
Where do all these books COME from?
One of the questions we’ve received from our various feedback options (Ask-a-Librarian, Twitter, Facebook, ye olde Suggestion Box on M Level) is – how do books get chosen for the […]