Beer. The mere mention provokes desire and conjures thirst. But is it thirst for the triple-hopped, top-fermented, and bottle conditioned adult beverage that you feel — or thirst for knowledge […]
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
The library has access to a really interesting, unique and incredibly useful online resource. It goes by the curious acronym of PEP, but its actual title is more illuminating – […]
Images for Scientists & Engineers: Where to Look?
More and more, engineers and scientists need visual materials for their work. Civil engineers need images of bridges and buildings; astronomers need pictures of galaxies and nebulae; biologists want to […]
Drawing and Believing: Blindfolds and Blind Faith
by Alicia Puglionesi, PhD Recipient (History of Medicine) and former fellow, Special Collections Research Center In Drawing and Believing, part 1, we met George Albert Smith, a British psychic medium, […]
Sign Here!
Did you ever wonder why signatures and autographs carry the enormous weight they do? The history of this fancy of finger-work, this veritable cult of calligraphy is long and varied. […]
Anne Boleyn
This poem, by Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832-1911), is one of many works that have been inspired by Anne Boleyn who lost her head 477 years ago. She had won the […]
Libraries Through the Ages–Part I
If you are reading this post, chances are you have spent time in one of our library buildings or at least used our online resources. But how much do you […]
Magical Moments for Teachers
The art of teaching keeps changing. At Hopkins, as at many other schools, our students work in labs, have flipped classrooms, use clickers and other “active learning” methods, attend lectures, […]
Medium Rare Books? You Mean You Eat Them?
Well, not exactly. We all know what “rare” books are, right? Generally any book produced before 1800, as well as books that have a particular value or, well, rarity. But […]
Find Funding Opportunities with SciVal Funding and Grant Forward
Part of a researcher’s work is finding funding to grow and sustain their research. New equipment, travel, and grad student stipends are supported by grant funding. The library provides resources […]