Get out your confetti and party hats, ’cause this January marks the fifth anniversary of our blog! We’ve just passed 800 entries, and we’re celebrating by taking this show on […]
Palimpsest? What the heck is a Palimpsest???
“Reduce, reuse, recycle”… such a 21st-century concept, isn’t it? A concept that the Hopkins’ Libraries embraces thoroughly, as you can see from our sustainability statement. Well, you might be surprised to […]
Against all Odds: Swedish Poet wins Nobel Prize in Literature
The odds-makers had their usual short list for the Nobel Prize; perennial favorites such as Philip Roth, Syrian poet Adonis, Dutch writer Cees Nooteboom, Korean poet Ko Un, American novelist […]
Copyright and Fair Use Workshop
With Web 2.0 platforms, Facebook, mash-ups and peer-to-peer file sharing, we have witnessed a proliferation in the creation and sharing of information in various formats e.g. audio, video, music, image and […]
The Crystal Palace/Great Exhibition of 1851
“As the day of the opening of the Great Exhibition approaches, the interest of the public of this and other countries increases in intensity with regard to it. The fairy-like […]
Trash Talk
You may have noticed that the trash/recycling bins in the library have recently been rearranged and thought to yourself, “what gives?” Well, the library’s own Facilities and Support Services department […]
Name That Text
What canonical American author penned the following lines, and what is the story called? The other day, having a leisure hour at my disposal, I stept into a new museum, […]
MSEL is Alive with the Sound of…
… students studying, printers printing, and MUSIC (via headphones so you don’t disturb fellow researchers)! But seriously folks, there are a number of music resources available to you for your […]
Banned Books Week
What do Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, Brave New World, and Revolutionary Voices have in common with Twilight, And Tango Makes Three, and The Hunger Games? […]
One Maryland One Book
What if everyone read the same book at the same time? Imagine if everywhere you went, on the train, the bus, in the park, everyone was reading the exact same […]