Several years ago, there was an amusing video making the rounds (well, it was amusing to librarians anyway), that was a parody of the then popular film March of the […]
Comparing Different Cultures? Try eHRAF World Cultures!
Good news, anthropologists! Now there is an easier way to do a comparative study of different cultures from around the world. Just try our recent addition to our growing database […]
Green Reprieve
Happy Fall Semester! The lazy days of summer are over, and we’re careening forward into the exciting pace of autumn. As the days fill with school, work, socializing, and pumpkin-flavored […]
The Star Spangled Banner: Close to 200 Years Old
I was out at Fort McHenry, recently. (My sister was visiting and wanted to see it.) If you haven’t been to the fort yet, you really should go! They’re doing […]
Happy 20th, Otakon!
Are you a fan of anime or manga? Do you know who Solid Snake is, and why he opposes FOXHOUND? Have you participated in Cosplay? Or even Larping? If these […]
Food Glorious Food
You may not think of cookbooks when you think of the Sheridan Libraries. While we might not have the current bestsellers that you’ll find at the public library, we do […]
Nuclear War and Fiction
In light of Summer Reading Season as well as the upcoming adaptation* of another story about what might happen after a nuclear conflict, let’s look at some of the novels […]
Red Sorghum: a Novel of China by Mo Yan
Finally, school is over. As you prepare for your dream vacation, why not pick up a book or a film from the library? Our McNaughton Collection, located at the entrance […]
Annual Reviews Comes to the Rescue!
Ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of information you get when researching for that big term paper? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could summarize the existing scholarship for you […]
Two centuries of songs
Strike up the band! The Sheridan Libraries are happy to announce a major upgrade of our popular Levy Sheet Music Digital Collection. While the content is the same as in […]