What is it about summer and reading? The 2 words seem to go together everywhere you look. I guess the assumption is that people have scads of free time in […]
Fire. Teeth. Scales. Wings. But also: intelligence, age, wisdom, greed, strategy. Who are some noteworthy dragons? Everyone knows Smaug, the clever, deadly creature who slept on top of a cavernful […]
Hours of Good Listening with Streaming Media
Today music is everywhere — cars, elevators, shopping malls and more. With streaming media resources, the library can offer you a personal playlist that may be very different than what […]
Infrared at Evergreen – No Goggles Needed
Please join us at the Evergreen Museum & Library for an exhibition entitled, An Invisible World Made Visible: The Infrared Landscapes of Phyllis Arbesman Berger. It runs through September 11, 2016 and […]
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
The library has access to a really interesting, unique and incredibly useful online resource. It goes by the curious acronym of PEP, but its actual title is more illuminating – […]
Sign Here!
Did you ever wonder why signatures and autographs carry the enormous weight they do? The history of this fancy of finger-work, this veritable cult of calligraphy is long and varied. […]
Anne Boleyn
This poem, by Elizabeth Akers Allen (1832-1911), is one of many works that have been inspired by Anne Boleyn who lost her head 477 years ago. She had won the […]
Spring DIY
At long last the snows have cleared and Spring is upon us. What better time to get back to the earth, get your hands dirty, and DoItYourself? Our country has, […]
Jubilee: A Journey to the Italian Renaissance on M-Level
Make a pilgrimage to the Milton S. Eisenhower Library’s M-level for JUBILEE: Roman Catholic Pilgrimage Culture in Papal Rome, 1500 – 1675, a rare book exhibition featuring beautifully illustrated books […]
French Film Festival, April 10-14
Join your fellow Francophiles and film fanatics at this year’s French Film Festival. The theme is “marginality” and will showcase films that address issues facing marginalized groups of people in contemporary […]