“Wait. What? Dirty books? Didn’t you guys just clean the Peabody Library already?” No, not those kinds of dirty books, silly! We’re talking books that could make you blush, sigh, […]
Of Ephemeral Cats, Popish Plots, and the Baltimore Occult
Think Special Collections is only composed of fancy materials like Shakespeare folios or exquisite medieval books of hours? Well, think again! Students enrolled in the Intersession course “Cheap and (Not […]
Muttonchops at the Bat!
It’s baseball season in Baltimore! Huzzah! Huzzah? Yeah, the past decade or so was less than magical when it comes to the Orioles ability to, you know, win, but even […]
Of Moles and Dreams and Napoleon’s Sinister Hand of Fate!
Have you ever, whilst undergoing a pique of ennui, wondered what Napoleon would have to say about your fate, or, while gazing at your reflection in a mirror, crying at […]
Tiptoe Through the Tulips at Flowermart!
Baltimore! It’s the land of pleasant living! And what’s more pleasant than spending a lovely Saturday perusing flowers, eating deliciously sugary lemon sticks, and tiptoeing through the tulips with your friends? That’s right, […]
Special Collections After Dark Presents: Dirty Books & Longing Looks!
Grab some smelling salts, reupholster those fainting couches, and get ready for a major attack of the vapors because it’s once again time for Dirty Books and Longing Looks! Yes, […]
A Camera Snapping on D-Level: Photographing the Sheridan Libraries
The Sheridan Libraries hired two undergraduate photography interns to document a year in the life of the libraries. The undergraduates are John Belanger, JHU ’14 and Eric Chen, JHU ’16. […]
Photographing the Sheridan Libraries: An Exploration of Space and Composition
The Sheridan Libraries hired two undergraduate photography interns to document a year in the life of the libraries. The undergraduates are John Belanger, JHU ’14 and Eric Chen, JHU ’16. […]
Anatomy of a Book? Like, Eeeeeeew???
Don’t worry, all ye holders of weak stomachs! The anatomy of a book is not gross at all, unless you want it to be. Seriously, let me know and I […]
Scholarship In Action: Library Research Fellows Roundtable
Ever wonder about what people research in Special Collections? Well, wonder no more as we present to you our inaugural Special Collections Research Center program focusing on graduate student research. […]