The friendly ghosts of the Brody Learning Commons have pleasantly haunted our dreams, demanding a Vintage Halloween Spectacular in Special Collections! Off to our 1940s Ouija Board we went, determining that Wednesday, October 25th from 6pm-8pm would be the perfect time to showcase spooky rare books, play mid-century creepy board games, and utilize the otherworldly talents of our Special Collections student staff by offering free tea cup, palm, and tarot readings!

Yes, our Special Collections Reading Room (M-level, Brody Learning Commons) will temporarily be a portal to Halloweens of yore, complete with a century-old stereoscopic viewer in which you can watch the antics of early 20th century women being all vivacious and witchy at a Halloween party, only for some silly rogue with his toxic spittoon masculinity trying to ruin the fun. (Don’t worry — the rogue fails in his endeavors, and the women continue to cast spells and imbibe their way through Halloween antics!) Plus, there will be books for you to explore about ghostly cats!

And if that’s not enough, you can make your very own clay ghost — perhaps a ghost cat! – as a fun and fab meow-mento of all the chills and thrills you just experienced!
You are just going BOO! in anticipation, right? Follow us on Instagram @jhuspecialcollections to get a sneak peak of some of the spooky delights headed your way on October 25th!