I’m sure you diehard Blog readers remember my post last March on how to find foreign-language films at the library, right? Well, with the launch of Catalyst, our new online catalog, […]
Can You Dig It?
Archaeology is really cool. Need convincing? Indiana Jones is an archaeologist, and how cool is he? His epic adventures diggin’ in the dirt are evidence enough, I’d say! So, for […]
Political Handbook of the World
Since 1930, the Political Handbook of the World has provided readers with extensive information about the systems of government and the political parties for all the countries in the world. In […]
Eisenhower Library and the Avant-Garde?
You may remember a blog post from last year about a French collector and former visiting Hopkins professor, Jean Goulemot. And that much of his collection, which we have purchased, […]
Picture This: A Research Guide for Visual Information
Do you need an illustration of an artwork for a class presentation?A diagram of a chemical compound?A photograph of an historical figure?An illustration of a shark’s anatomy?More and more people […]