“Do tell me how I can help you,” said the Chief Rabbit. “Well sir,’ said Hazel rather hesitantly, ‘it’s because of my brother — Fiver here. He can often tell […]
Season’s Readings, Guilty Pleasures (and Gift Ideas)
Why do I love these lists so much? Every December, I look forward to the various year-end lists of best books put out by newspapers and other periodicals. True, they […]
Who Knew? Library Guides you might not expect!
When you think of libraries, what springs to mind? Books, research databases, datasets, videos, incredibly helpful librarians like me (smile)… right? Well, you might be surprised to know that the guides […]
Recycling Roundup
With classes back in session, the library literally becomes a second home for many of you as a refuge from the heat. All that note taking, coffee drinking and draft […]
Clueless about Chemistry? Me, too…
Doing research in Chemistry and have no idea where to begin? Please, come to the library’s Information Desk and ask to speak with the librarian on duty! But, here’s a secret: you can […]
The Many Ways to Get Library Help
There are many ways to ask for help. Some folks prefer help in a face-to-face setting. Others are more comfortable on the phone, in a chat room, querying a database, […]
The Weather
A “hot” topic of recent conversations has been the weather. Unusually high temperatures have been hard on us all. Storms that have uprooted trees and knocked out the power for […]
Wine: a Library Collection Taste Test
Wine – red, white, rose, sparkling — so many choices — so much fun. However, there is a serious and academic side to wine and wine making as demonstrated in […]
Libraries Through the Ages–Part II
The first post in this series gave some general information about what a library is–we will now explore the early history of libraries. The earliest libraries we know about appeared […]
Hours of Good Listening with Streaming Media
Today music is everywhere — cars, elevators, shopping malls and more. With streaming media resources, the library can offer you a personal playlist that may be very different than what […]