but how do you decide which one? Please understand that there are good, mediocre, and bad journals and publishers in print and online, in subscription and open access venues. Subscription […]
Preserving our Digital Heritage
Libraries have been preserving the world’s knowledge for centuries, but recently they have had to deal with a new class of threats–how to preserve the vast stores of digital information […]
The Advent of Paperback Books
Once upon a time in the United States, there were no paperbacks as we know them today. Books by and large were sold in bookshops or in sections of large […]
Not Your Father’s Dissertation
Hopkins is about to take a big step into the 21st century this fall. Beginning September 1, 2013, the library will no longer be accepting paper dissertations or theses. Instead, […]
Attention Authors! Use ORCID!
I’ve posted before about ORCID. This service will help to identify academic authors uniquely by assigning a persistent digital identifier to each registered author. The semester is over, so you […]
A Working Girl Comes Back to Life
“For Love or Money: Art, Commerce & Stephen Crane” is about the work of Stephen Crane, boy wonder of the 1890’s literary world. On display at the George Peabody Library […]
A Digital Bookshelf for Your Journals
Thanks to the folks at Welch Medical Library, everyone at JHU now has access to a cool iPad app called Browzine. Download it, choose Johns Hopkins from a list of […]
The Further Adventures of the Digital Humanities
We told you last year about the hot, new field in humanities research, the Digital Humanities, or DH for short. Well, in the past 12 months, it hasn’t cooled off […]
The Writing Life
If you’re a professional writer, you probably think a lot about how to get your work under the eyes of readers. You may weigh the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing—using […]
A Busy February for Open Access
On 2/22/13, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a memorandum with the subject: Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research. This memorandum from the […]