Catalyst, the JHU Libraries catalog, is a great tool. With it, you can find books about study skills, maps of Maryland, and action movies. Besides all the great search capabilities, […]
Think Librarians Know EVERYthing?
Think again! While the librarians in the Eisenhower Library are all subject specialists, we are also “generalists” and need to help patrons in any and all fields of study, because […]
Finding the Real Thing
Many assignments for JHU courses require students to find and use “primary resources.” What the heck are primary resources, and how in the world do you find them? This is […]
What’s a TX?
Texas? Not in the library. For us, “TX” is a call number, just like QA , PT and HF are call numbers. But you don’t hear a lot about the books in […]
PsycINFO: Lots of Limits
PsycINFO is the database to use for literature searches about psychology, psychiatry, behavioral science (including animal behavior), and mental health. The things you already know how to do probably include […]
Where do all these books COME from?
One of the questions we’ve received from our various feedback options (Ask-a-Librarian, Twitter, Facebook, ye olde Suggestion Box on M Level) is – how do books get chosen for the […]
Get Thee to the Baltimore Writers’ Conference
A copyright lawyer, a magazine editor, an independent publisher and a mystery writer walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Is this some kind of a joke?” “No,” […]
NYC Comes to MSE (Well, sort of…)
Standing on B-level with a stack of books, waiting for the elevator, you might feel far away from the streets of Manhattan. Good news for all of you Big Apple […]
National Native American Heritage Month
November is the National Native American Heritage Month during which we commemorate the cultural legacy and remember the contributions of Native Americans to our country. Throughout this month, various events […]
Unleash Your Inner Author
If you need a reason to start and finish that great unwritten novel, look no further: National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us. Between November 1 and 11:59:59 on […]