Art Comes to the Library

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” – Aristotle What better to represent this Mobius-strip mind-bend blurring of our inner […]

ArcGIS Workshops Resume!

The Sheridan Libraries GIS and Data Services Department is resuming its popular series of workshops, “Getting Acquainted With ArcGIS.” We welcome all to attend: the curious, the besieged, the beset, frequent […]

The Game is Afoot!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock that’s beneath a few more rocks, you’ve doubtless come across the revamped BBC/PBS production of Sherlock. Countless fans have had to wait countless […]

Welcome Home, John Barth

What do you call 30-odd boxes of books and 25 boxes of manuscripts, letters, newspaper reviews, notebooks, and assorted papers? Well, if those boxes contain essential primary sources for the […]