White Star Champagne by Moët and Chandon by Alphonse Mucha

The VRC welcomes you to the Spring semester with a few updates about Artstor’s final transition to JSTOR.

The Artstor website will be retired on August 1, 2024.

You are able to access Artstor collections and JHU local collections in JSTOR.

For users with Artstor image groups and/or personal collections:

  • Image groups:
    • All Artstor image groups will be copied to JSTOR starting on February 1st. Users will be notified when their image groups have been copied.
    Image groups created or changed after February 1st will not be copied automatically.
    • Until August 1st, you may still manually copy groups to JSTOR.
  • Personal collections
    • For images in personal collections to be copied to JSTOR, they must be saved in an image group. If they are not saved in an image group before February 1st, they can still be saved and manually copied until August 1st.

Need assistance with Artstor or JSTOR? Email vrc@jhu.edu or support@jstor.org. For more information about the transition, see JSTOR’s transition page.