With Open Access Week happening Oct. 19 – 25th, I thought I’d provide a high-level overview of the Open Access journal publishing done by Johns Hopkins authors. Just in case you’re wondering. 

The data and images below are from the InCites: Benchmarking and Analysis database, one of our JH Libraries subscriptions. InCites lets you play with the data in the Web of Science. This set of data doesn’t include every single article published by JHU authors. It focuses primarily on STEM journals, but some social science and humanities journals are included. The numbers I pulled are about

  • peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, and conference proceedings (these are called Web of Science Documents in the graphs)
  • published during 2015 – 2019
  • using gold, bronze, or green Open Access  

How Many OA Articles?

Lots! Over 3,000 in 2019 alone. And for these 5 years, 50% of the JHU article publications that Web of Science knows about are openly available. 

Which journals?

JHU authors published 300 or more open articles from 2015 – 2019 with these journals. 

What topics?

It’s not surprising that medical topics are most frequently discussed in these OA articles, given the NIH Public Access Policy and the amount of medical research done at Johns Hopkins.