What do Joe Biden, Pharrell, Melania Trump, and T.S. Eliot have in common? They all have been publicly tainted by charges of plagiarism — that’s right: using the words, ideas or images of others without giving originators proper credit. For these folks, the consequences of plagiarizing have not killed careers or tarnished legacies, but we can imagine that they wished they had not put themselves in the position of being labeled as a plagiarist.
Did you know there are different kinds of plagiarism? For example, you can commit plagiarism against yourself (self-plagiarism), or use phrases from another person’s work without using quotation marks (mosaic-plagiarism). In other words, it’s easier to commit plagiarism than one might think.
ENROLL TODAY! Whether calculated or unintentional, plagiarism is plagiarism, and can have serious consequences. Don’t put yourself in that position; learn to avoid plagiarism by taking the self-paced module developed by the Library – Avoiding Plagiarism.
Chock full of examples and interactive activities, the course helps you develop skills for effective paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting and proper citing — all necessary skills if you want to avoid plagiarism. You will also learn about the type of assistance you can get here at Hopkins, what your particular school really says about plagiarism, and what happens if a student plagiarizes.
Already know some of this? The module won’t waste your time, as it allows you to test out of sections you know well, and concentrate on sections where you may need a review or practice. Upon completion of the module, you will receive a certificate.
Why wouldn’t you want to avoid plagiarism? Challenge yourself and self-enroll in the course!
The above photos are Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons and/or Creative Commons.