Before moving to Baltimore a few weeks ago, most of what I knew about Baltimore I learned from The Wire. But I learned pretty quickly that Baltimore has lots more to offer, like a fabulous foodie scene, a rich history, and some really interesting art. Like anyone moving to a new city, I researched the different neighborhoods and tried to find the best place for me. As I was digging around on the web, I ran into all types of sites and blogs that had a hundred different things to say about my new city. But what I really needed were the resources I found on the Sheridan Libraries’ Baltimore Research Resources guide. In one place I found information about crime, health and education in Baltimore, in addition to a few more reliable resources about what Baltimore’s neighborhoods are really like.

But besides the helpful information for new people figuring out where to live, and what types of city resources are available, this Baltimore Research Guide has some great links to help even the native Baltimorean find important statistics and information about The Greatest City in America. Need to know about Baltimore’s architecture? We’ve got books and links to online resources. Writing a research paper related to something in Baltimore’s history? From historical societies, local libraries, and archives, we’ve got you covered. Want to see some cool historical maps, many with scientific, social, economic, and geological data that you can use in your research (or even just for fun)? This guide can get you started.
The Baltimore research guide is just the beginning in finding the information you need about the Charm City, so don’t hesitate to contact a librarian for more help, and to explore more resources.