The BLC now has group study rooms with ClickShare Technology. ClickShare is a very easy way of displaying your laptop screen to the projector. No hassling with webpages or connecting to […]
What the {em#&quo}?
Ever since the dawn of the Internet, computers have had a hard time dealing with words with diacritics, or accents. Even today, you may see text online with odd characters […]
New Service for Archiving Research Data
Johns Hopkins Data Management Services provides archiving services for the Johns Hopkins research community through the JHU Data Archive. These services give researchers the opportunity to share their data outside […]
Let’s Play Video Games
Hey, JHU students on Homewood campus! Why don’t you play some video games? WHERE THEY ARE Digital Media Center (DMC) – Room 226 of the Mattin Center’s Offit Building, which […]
E-books for YOU
October has turned out to be “E-book Month” here at the library. We have 1 million e-books (truly!), and you can read all of them. How? Come to these events and […]
Languages; We Have Lots of Languages
Guess how many languages the library has books written in. Just guess. Three-hundred and forty-six (346)!! Here is the list of all of them — it’s fascinating! Here are the 25 […]
The Further Adventures of the Digital Humanities
We told you last year about the hot, new field in humanities research, the Digital Humanities, or DH for short. Well, in the past 12 months, it hasn’t cooled off […]
You seek, but do you find? Join us for a tour of…
Google, Google Books, and Google Scholar. Our workshop will focus on Google’s specialized search functions that have proven most useful for scholarly research. Date/Time: Tuesday, Feb 26, 4-5pmLocation: Electronic Resources Center, M-Level, […]
Have Books Will Travel
As you all finish up exams and papers, and head home (or elsewhere) for the holidays, here are a few tips to keep your celebrations worry-free, at least as far […]
Getting EBL E-books
What’s EBL, and why should I care? EBL (Electronic Book Library) is one of the JHU libraries’ e-book “packages” that we buy so that you can have access to many, […]