Olympics: Then & Now

The 2012 Summer Olympics are fast approaching!  London will be abuzz with athletes and sports enthusiasts from just about everywhere – and our TVs will blaze with fast-paced Olympic coverage. […]


Summer is magic. Now is the time for books, music, and movies that are magical. Book At this moment, on the McNaughton shelf on M Level, find the stunning novel about […]

Remembering June Fourth

Today marked the 23rd anniversary of the “Tiananmen Incident,” a brutal crackdown by the Chinese government on students’ protest and demonstration on Tiananmen Square on June 4th, 1989. China has […]

Jewish American Heritage Month

May was proclaimed Jewish American Heritage month in 2006, to recognize the more than 350 years of Jewish contributions to American culture. From music to literature, from statemanship to law, […]