To help promote Open Access Week, we have Open Access t-shirts. They’re bright, they’re cotton, and they let you show the world you think research should be freely accessible to […]
Open Access Week 2010
Open Access Week 2010, October 18 – 22, promotes the immediate and free online sharing of the results of scholarly research and the ability to use that information to move […]
Nobel Prize Winner in Literature: 2 Degrees of Separation
Mario Vargas Llosa, the 2010 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, is no stranger to Johns Hopkins. Our own Professor Sara Castro-Klarén (German & Romance Languages and Literature) has […]
2009 Journal Rankings Available
The 2009 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) became available in June. The JCR provides measures of a journal’s impact on an area of research. They provide many such measures, including impact […]
What Did I Hear About Nature and California?
You may have heard from friends and colleagues about a disagreement between the University of California and Nature Publishing Group (NPG). Long story short: NPG proposed an extremely large increase […]
How Do You Use Journal Articles?
Faculty and graduate students have a chance to participate in research about how journal articles are used in the different disciplines. The research is being conducted by Dr. Carol Tenopir […]
JHU Press Journal Title Goes Open Access
Good news for librarians —the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy has joined the open access movement. Read about the excellent commitment from our own JHU Press here, and look forward […]
Duke Faculty Join Open Access Movement
On March 18th the faculty at Duke University agreed to make their research articles freely available to the public. Like other agreements at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford, Duke faculty will […]
Uncovering Black History in Baltimore
February is a busy month in the Afro American Newspapers Archive and Research Center, as archivist John Gartrell and his staff work to provide archival materials to students, researchers, and […]
Nobel Winners and JHU Scientists Support Open Access
On November 10th the Alliance for Taxpayer Access released a letter from 41 Nobel laureates to the U.S. Congress. The letter was written by the scientists in support of the […]