We, librarians, are fortunate that we get to meet a lot of incoming Hopkins students. We often request that they give us their “burning questions” — about Baltimore, Hopkins, the library, life and love, etc. We’ve curated some of their questions and their answers into a series of blog posts that we hope will address some “burning questions” of your own.

Q: “Is there any place that honors Edgar Allan Poe other than the Poe House?”

A: Absolutely! Even our NFL team, the Ravens, and their mascot, Poe, make reference to our infamous author of the macabre.

The Poe House is perhaps the best-known Baltimore landmark honoring the local hero. There is plenty of other Poe to be found throughout the city.

Poe is buried at Westminster Church at the corner of Fayette and Greene streets, so although there’s no exhibit there, you can pay homage and visit his grave. Additional Poe places can be found mapped on the Poe in Baltimore website.

Other than places, there are events dedicated to the author that include the “Poe Death in Baltimore” bus tour, Edgar Allan Poe Festival, and Awards, and more.

There used to be a “Poe Toaster” who visited the grave each year on Poe’s birthday.

We also had an exhibit on Poe in 2017 at the Peabody Library; the online exhibit is here.

Also, don’t forget to see what we have in Special Collections!