If I NEVER see another midterm again, it will be TOO SOON.
I’m tired of Netflix and I’m IN the library — what movies do *they* have?
- Lots – over 11,000. On the advanced search screen, don’t do anything except click in FORMAT, and choose DVD.
That’s too many to search. How do I find the new ones?
- Just throw in 2015 and do the search. We have 89 DVDs from this year.
Better, but still too many to look through.
- No worries – click on SUBJECT, then More, and you can see what they’re about. (I could use a good thriller, myself.)
Okay, that works. So where are they?
- “Current DVDs” are in Eisenhower Library, in the M Level seating area next to the guard’s desk. Those two shelves under the stairs have new DVDs as well as new books.
- If the locations is “Eisenhower M Level Service Desk,” that’s the big desk where you check out books, just a few steps away.
I can check these out, right?
- Absolutely. You can have up to five McNaughtons or up to three from the rest of the collection.
Can I watch them here?
- Sure. There are DVD players on A Level, in the Audiovisual section (in those gray cubicles near the elevators). By the way, getting some movies to erase the memory of exams was a really good idea. 🙂