I just read an interesting blog post about the future of desktop computers in libraries. Will mobile computing devices and improvements in collaboration tools (think TeamSpot) decrease the need for desktop computers in the academic library? In the early 1990’s we were worried about the transition from the card catalog to an online catalog. Now we’re wondering how attached you are to the desktops.
When the Brody Learning Commons was designed, we were betting that most students would be willing to travel with their laptops and tablets. While we have had a few suggestions for adding desktop computers to the BLC, most students have been happy to use TeamSpot to hook their laptops up to projectors and larger screens.
Currently MSEL has 83 desktops scattered about on levels M, A, B, C, and D. M level has the most, 37, because of the 18 computers in the Electronic Resource Center. C and A levels are tied with 19 computers each. D and B levels have 5 and 3 desktops, respectively.
I’m betting that at some point, desktops will leave the library.
Complete the poll below to tell us what you think!

Although many if not most students probably have their own devices, I believe there are still those who are either unable to afford their own devices, still have large and heavy devices, or may not choose to always bring their devices to the library and may require a small amount of information quickly on those occasions.