Depending on the database, you can have the latest table of contents from a particular journal or the latest article citations on a particular topic sent directly to you. Not a bad thing to set up before winter break sets in and you take a few days off of your dissertation …
Click the image to the right to view a three-minute demonstration on how to set up this feature in databases we’ve subscribed to on the EBSCOhost platform (Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, ERIC, Health Source, Inspec, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO, and many more).
We’ll be following up with the how-to’s for other databases, as well in the weeks before the end of the year. Can’t wait? Click to read about setting up search alerts on other platforms. As this is a constantly evolving feature of many of our databases, keep an eye out in your favorites: you just might be able to set up email or RSS feed alerts to new publications of interest to you.