[This blog post was contributed by VRC Staff Alana Barry (International Studies/East Asian Studies, ’22)] Spring 2021 is finally here, and the Visual Resources Collection (VRC) has some news to share about an exciting new […]
Enhancing Your Course Curriculum with Artstor – Classics
[This blog post was contributed by VRC Staff Alana Barry (International Studies/East Asian Studies, ’22)] Looking for a way to incorporate images into your teaching? Look no further— all […]
Fall 2020 with the VRC
[This blog post was contributed by VRC Staff Alana Barry (International Studies/East Asian Studies, ’22)] As we begin the fall semester in an online-only format, the Visual Resources Collection (VRC) […]
How to Use Artstor as a Study Tool
[This blog post was contributed by VRC Staff Emily McDonald (Writing Seminars)] As the end of the semester approaches, students are turning to Artstor, a database that houses more than […]
In with the New, Discover the Old: Public Collections on Artstor and Free Images for Publication
Your semester has gotten off to a great start! Yet, you realize you need images to accompany your teaching and research — unique, exceptional images. Preparing PowerPoints or Keynote presentations? […]