To all of our Muslim friends, family, students, colleagues, faculty, and staff, Ramadan Mubarak! We, at the library, want to extend our warmest wishes for a blessed Ramadan. We recognize […]
World Cup Time!
TRIVIA TIME! (answers below this post) Where was the term “soccer” created? How many teams have won the world cup? What is the U.S’ highest ever finish? 2022 sees the […]
Happy Spooky Season!
Greetings, Foolish Mortals! Whether you want to study or relax, we’ve got more magic, monsters, murders, and mysteries than you could shake your witch’s broom at. So drag your body […]
Comic Books Invade JHU Libraries!
In recent years an increasing number of academics have turned their attention to comic books and graphic novels with a desire to better understand the cultural significance of the once […]
The Arrival of the New York Times at JHU!
We have heard your cries! Your pleas have not fallen upon deaf ears! We are proud to announce that all students, faculty, and staff of Johns Hopkins University are […]
The Library Bunch!
What do you call a librarian with no library? Well, it may sound like the lead-in to a dad joke but thanks to the closure of the Johns Hopkins libraries […]