The weather outside isn’t exactly frightful (that’s for another holiday), but many films in our library collection are! To get in the Halloween spirit this week, why not check out some DVDs?
What type of movie scares you the most? Ghost stories? Horror films? Thrillers? We have all sorts!
How do you feel about monsters? Witches? Zombies? Vampires? Werewolves? Serial killers? Space aliens and extraterrestrials? We’ve got the whole creepy crew just waiting for you!
And, let’s not forget some of the classics by Alfred Hitchcock and Stephen King.

If you’re looking for specific recommendations, I took a quick poll of other library staff and here are some personal favorites (in no particular order): The Shining, Carrie, The Exorcist, Nosferatu, 28 Days Later, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Orphanage, Les Yeux Sans Visage, The Andromeda Strain, and Jaws (dun-dun-DUN-dun).
Have a very scary Halloween!