If you’ve heard horror stories about predatory journals or conferences and want to avoid them, we have a couple ways to help you out.
- A page about predatory journals, with resources to use for verification, is available to you at any time.
- You could contact your liaison librarian or me for advice.
- You can attend a lunchtime workshop, where we’ll work through some examples and look at any offers you’d care to bring with you.
Predatory Journals: How to Keep your Work Safe will meet on Tuesday, February 13th, from noon – 1pm in the Hamburger Room of MSEL. (This is on Q level; face the lady on the bench, turn to your left, and follow the hallway.)
Please bring your laptop and your lunch. I’ll provide drinks, cookies, and the tools you can use for journal validation.
Please register so I know how many cookies to bring!