What’s EBL, and why should I care?

EBL (Electronic Book Library) is one of the JHU libraries’ e-book “packages” that we buy so that you can have access to many, many, many e-books (about a million; I’m not kidding).

During 2011, you – our beloved patrons – looked at EBL books almost 2,800 times. You like EBL.

So where do I find EBL books?

The same place that you find ALL of the libraries’ books: in the library catalog, Catalyst. Do a search, and maybe your list of hits will include a few books with a link to www.JHU.eblib.com.

EBL e-books aren’t like most of the other e-books that we have. Here are the differences:

  • When you click that link, you have to log in with your JHED ID, even if you’re already logged in (it’s an extra layer of authentication)
  • You can only download their e-books to your computer or laptop — downloading to a tablet or e-reader or smartphone needs another step
  • To download an EBL book to your computer or laptop, you need to have free software, called Adobe Digital Editions
  • You can’t download EBL books from the library computers to your tablet, e-reader, or smartphone

How can I learn more?

The E-books research guide will tell you more about our collection. (Did I mention that we have about 1 million of them? I did? Well we do.) The Downloading E-books page will tell you more about EBL books, and also has a short video showing exactly how to get an EBL book to your tablet, e-reader, or smartphone, if you want to read it on one of those instead.

And don’t miss the library’s E-books workshop on Tuesday, October 16, 5-6 pm. Please register, and bring your devices!

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