Looking for the scholarly and the social heart of the Homewood Campus? Look no further than the Milton S. Eisenhower Library.

Scholarly heart? Named in honor of the 8th president of the university (and the brother of Dwight Eisenhower), MSEL is the university’s principal research library, with over 3.7 million books, almost 900 databases, over 70,000 electronic resources, and an extensive collection of rare books and manuscripts. Its rich holdings are available to students and faculty of all divisions, and a cadre of expert reference librarians are available to help with research needs.

Social heart? The library is the home-away-from-home for JHU students, especially during exams. We’re open 24/7 during the semester, and offer group study space, as well as quiet study areas. Cafe Q offers a place to relax with friends, as well as a place to meet with faculty for formal and informal discussions.

2 thoughts on “Travelogue: MSE Library

  1. Vinay,

    Righto! Thanks for pointing that out. Sometimes even these sorts of typos make it past us. All fixed!

    Mark Cyzyk
    Blog Editor

  2. It says above, and I quote: “MSEL is the university’s principle research library.”
    It’s absolutely shameful that whoever wrote this does not understand the difference between “principle” and “principal”. MSEL is the university’s principal (ie, major, main)
    research library. It could have been an inadvertent error but, in that case, doesn’t someone proof-read before writing something like this–and that too on a site about libraries and books.
    Vinay Lal, BA 1982; MA 1983 (JHU)

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