This blog was contributed by Dr. Emily McGinn, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Sheridan Libraries.

Announcing the Digital Humanities Workshop Series sponsored by the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute, the Center for Digital Humanities (CDH), LifexCode, and the Sheridan Libraries! Started by former postdoc for the CDH, Sam Backer, this new iteration is a collaboration between the DH practitioners across campus that seeks to highlight the work researchers are engaged in and bring in speakers who represent new methods and trajectories within and beyond DH. 

Our inaugural session will feature a roundtable conversation “What does digital humanities, or DH, mean to you?” with Craig Messner, Lecturer with the Center for Digital Humanities, Nadejda Webb, Assistant Director of LifexCode, and Emily McGinn, DH Librarian at the Sheridan Libraries. The conversation will be moderated by Ellie Palazzolo, a PhD Candidate in History, and will explore how each panelist defines DH and how to get involved with DH on campus. September 19th from 12-1:30.

Feel free to bring your lunch or join us online for this hybrid event. Register here!

Location: Mergenthaler 429 (AGHI Common Room) or Zoom


The series will continue once a month with an emphasis on the digital work being done by graduate students and early career scholars. Use the links below to register for these sessions.

  • Thursday October 24
    • Myra Cheng – Stanford University PhD student
      • AnthroScore: Measuring anthropomorphism and other implicit framings in text
  • Thursday November 21
    • Jessica Newby – JHU PhD student
      • Slavery in Motion