What is Love Data Week?

Love Data Week is an international celebration of data hosted by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The purpose of Love Data Week is to raise awareness and build a community to engage on topics related to research data analysis, management, sharing, preservation, reuse, and library-based research data services.

Love Data Week JHU LogoThis year’s theme is Data is for everyone! Love Data Week 2022 is all about how different folks use data. This year we’re focused on the people side of data. What does data look like in different disciplines? How about biases in data… who is “in” the data and who is invisible?

JHU Data Services will be hosting a number of workshops and presentations along this theme. Come learn a new skill, or see what amazing research is happening at our university!


Monday, February 14th

11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Virtual) Lunch and Learn – Kickoff to Love Data Week and Introduction to Data Services Offerings

Data Services, Sheridan Libraries

In this kickoff session for Love Data Week we will introduce you to Data Services, and our offerings, in a series of lightning talks. These talks will include finding maps and learning StoryMaps with Lena Denis, Data Archiving with Chen Chiu, De-identification with Dave Fearon, and Data Visualization and an introduction to Love Data Week with Pete Lawson.

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Creating Effective Scientific Figures

Pete Lawson, Ph.D., Data and Visualization Librarian

Do you want to make your scientific publications more impactful? It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words; a well-designed scientific figure is essential in concisely and clearly communicating complex ideas to your audience. Join JHU Data Services in this workshop session, where we’ll cover design principles and recommended practices for creating effective scientific figures. There is no required prerequisite for this class, but experience preparing scientific figures would be useful.

Tuesday, February 15th

11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Virtual) Lunch and Learn – Discovering Data for Research

Pete Lawson, Ph.D., Data and Visualization Librarian

Join JHU Data Services during a lunch and learn session where we will guide you in discovering and accessing data for use in your research. You will learn effective search strategies for discovering secondary data for research, learn how to access and use data sources licensed by the library, find data outside the library, and discover how to access restricted-use data. After attending this workshop you will be empowered to find the data you need for your research!

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks for Reproducible Research

Marley Kalt, Data Management Consultant

You are already writing comments for your Python code so you may be wondering why you need to document code with a Notebook tool, such as Jupyter Notebooks. Notebook tools help you document and share your work with fellow Python coders, non-coders or non-Python coders. This workshop will teach you the basics of using Jupyter Notebooks and will focus on the features of Jupyter Notebooks that help you create reproducible research and code for technical and non-technical audiences. Many Python users choose to document and share code with Jupyter Notebooks, but this tool can also be used with other programming languages, including Julia and R. You can find examples of Jupyter Notebooks here.

Wednesday, February 16th

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Ethics in Data Visualization

Pete Lawson, Ph.D., Data and Visualization Librarian

Good data visualizations can bring clarity to data, but visualizations can be exploited to mislead and misinform. Join JHU Data Services in this interactive workshop where we will learn how to critically evaluate a data visualization at each step of the data visualization process and learn techniques for ethics centered data visualization design. Over the course of this workshop you will practice the steps of the data visualization process, learn how decisions in the steps up to data visualization can affect the final visualization, and identify common sources of bias in the data visualization process.

Thursday, February 17th

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: (Virtual) Lunch and Learn – Protecting Human Subject Data Privacy: an Introduction

Dave Fearon, Ph.D., Senior Data Management Consultant

Protecting research participant and patients’ privacy is challenging not just for security, but also when anonymizing data for external collaborators, publications, and research databases. Join JHU Data Services for an overview of common privacy disclosure risks from personal and health identifiers in data. We discuss how to comply with IRB and HIPAA guidance for data security within the research team and introduce techniques for de-identifying data for external collaborators and public databases. You may preview session topics in our online module and guide.

Friday, February 18th

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (Lunch and Learn) – Introduction to Regular Expressions (RegEx)

Pete Lawson, Ph.D., Data and Visualization Librarian

Data can be messy. Regular expressions (RegEx for short) provide a powerful way to perform pattern matching and wrangle in that messy data! For example, what if you needed to standardize U.S. phone numbers to the (000) 000-0000 format, but you have phone numbers separated by dashes, by spaces, by parentheses, or some combination of all those delimiters… how would you go about it? With regular expressions, it’s easy! Join JHU Data Services for a gentle interactive introduction to regular expressions, and learn a powerful new skill.

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Turning Data into Narratives with StoryMaps

Join JHU Data Services for a series of lightning talks exploring how ArcGIS StoryMaps can serve as a tool for transforming data into visually engaging narratives that center unique and underrepresented stories. The talks will be moderated by Geospatial Data, GIS, and Maps Librarian Lena Denis, and include:

  • A Failed Statistics: Mapping Incommensurability in 19th Century Mexico: See how mapping and visualizing agricultural records from nineteenth-century Mexico can reveal unforeseen patterns in land ownership, labor, and the environment.

            Casey Marina Lurtz, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History

  • A Topography of Death: The Human Side of Data: Get the full story of how data about migrant crossings became the powerful exhibition Hostile Terrain 94.

             Natalia Stefanska, JHU International/Global Studies, Class of 2024

  • Mapping Cultural Institutions in Baltimore from 1800 – 1940: See what nineteenth-century museum construction and attendance patterns show about education and entertainment in changing Baltimore neighborhoods.

            Debbie Kim, B.A. A&S Class of 2021, Project Associate, Curatorial and Exhibits at Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream (MCAAD)

Get Involved!

To host a Love Data Week event, or for more information, please reach out to dataservices@jhu.edu.

Learn More About Data Services

Data Services supports JHU researchers, faculty, and students on the Homewood and East Baltimore campuses with a spectrum of resources for working with data to make your research and teaching successful. For consultations, training, or archiving services, please reach out via chat (Live chat hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 pm to 5 pm and Friday, 11 pm to 3 pm) or by email.

For more information about our services, visit our website at https://dataservices.library.jhu.edu/.

For more data-related training and workshops beyond those offered during Love Data Week please visit our Training and Workshops page.