October has turned out to be “E-book Month” here at the library. We have 1 million e-books (truly!), and you can read all of them. How? Come to these events and we’ll show you.
Tuesday, October 8, 2-5PM
Room 4040 on Brody B Level
- Demonstrations on what to do when your
results lists includes e-books; troubleshooting tips; apps and more
- Free software for managing your e-books and even editing them
- Bring your reading devices!
- Prizes!
Tuesday, October 15, 1-2pm
Wednesday, October 16, 5-6pm
CER Conference Room on Eisenhower Q level (just inside the door on the Brody side)
- What are your e-book questions or problems?
- Bring your reading devices!
- Register now! (click the links above)
Your library is offering these events because we want to show you how to enjoy e-books, and also how to fix problems if they happen. The E-books Guide can help with that, as well as answer questions like “Can I download this e-book?”
Your library e-book gurus are looking forward to hearing your suggestions about how to make your JHU “e-book experiences” better!