Interested in learning about the diplomatic relations between East Asia and the West in the nineteenth century? Are you writing a paper on the missionary accounts of the Asian countries? Or, if you are interested in particular historical events such as the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions, then Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange Collection from the Nineteenth Century Collections Online is the perfect resource for you!

This collection provides access to numerous primary source materials such as the U.S. State Department Consular and Diplomatic Records, the British Foreign Office Political Correspondence related to Japan, missionary journals and correspondence, socio-economic journals, trade agreements, treaties, etc. These sources give you a first-hand account of the political, social and cultural history of Asia and the West in the nineteenth century. Not only can you search the collections by content type, document type, and language, but also by subject and source library! Apart from these primary sources, you can also consult the East Asian Studies and the History subject guides for additional scholarly resources, such as books and journal articles.

Moreover, you can check out some of the freely available online resources. These include the Asia and the Pacific Rim in Early Prints and Photographs collection from NYPL, the East Asia Image Collections from the Lafayette College, the East Asian Collection from UW-Madison, the East Asian Collections from USC, and Perry Visits Japan: A Visual History Collection from Brown University, and Robert Henry Chandless Photographs of China, 1898-1908 from the University of Washington.

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