What do netsukes, skulls, globes, portable pianos and lab equipment have in common? They are soon to be part of an art installation in the Brody Learning Commons designed by noted artist and curator Mark Dion. Building on the theme of the Wunderkammer, or wonder-room, Dion describes his installation as “an archaeology of the material culture of knowledge–a microcosm of the university’s collections.”
Dion has worked closely with Jackie O’Regan, Curator of Cultural Properties, to identify artifacts from across all of Hopkins–Homewood, Peabody, the medical institutions, and SAIS–which will reflect the varied and interdisciplinary research that takes place at JHU.
Want to learn more? Check out these books on Dion and his exhibits, a PBS feature on his work from 2007, or these items on Wunderkammer.