As spring semester approaches, here are some important Blackboard updates.
If you are teaching in the upcoming Intersession or Spring 2011 semester, Blackboard course shells are now available. There is no need to request a course site; each course will automatically have a Blackboard site that can be activated if the instructor chooses to use it.
- If Intersession or Spring 2011 will be your first semester using Blackboard, please plan to attend one or more training sessions offered at the CER; training dates are on the CER website. The Getting Started Tip Sheet contains some important tips for new users to Blackboard.
- If you plan to transfer materials from a WebCT course to your Blackboard course shell, migration instructions have been posted here on the CER website. You are welcome to set up an appointment with someone from our staff if you would like individual help in transferring your course materials out of WebCT.
- If you are currently using Blackboard and would like to reuse your fall course material in a spring course site, it is possible to do this using the ‘Course Copy’ feature in Blackboard. ‘Course Copy’ allows instructors to choose which parts of a course they want to copy into another course. Please see the Course Copy tutorial for additional assistance.