What does your ideal group study room look like?
Submit your design, and you could win up to $250 and the chance to see your vision made real in the new building.
Group study space will be a key feature of the new Brody Learning Commons. But before we break ground next June, we want to make sure we’ve gotten your input. Whether your preferred medium is Google SketchUp or cocktail napkin, we want to hear from you.
Send us your design for a room between 150 and 300 square feet, and include what you think is needed (specific technologies, furniture types, etc.). The contest is open to all Johns Hopkins students, and entries will be judged on the basis of the design’s creativity, sustainability, effectiveness, and the flexibility of the space.
Visit www.library.jhu.edu/yrBLCspace for more information.
Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. December 7, 2009.