In response to student requests, the loan time for short term lockers has been increased to one week with one renewal. The overdue fee is $3/day.
Check out locker keys at the circulation desk.
In response to student requests, the loan time for short term lockers has been increased to one week with one renewal. The overdue fee is $3/day.
Check out locker keys at the circulation desk.
Good web site you have here.
Is there any way we can purchase semester long lockers. There are lots of empty lockers and I would love to be able to have one even if it meant paying a little for it. I know a ton of undergrads would love to have one so we don’t have to keep lugging our stuff back and forth and it seems undergrads use the library most.
We regret that there are not enough lockers to meet everyone’s need. There will be more lockers when the Brody Learning Commons is built.
Except for the short term lockers at the south end of B-level, MSE library only manages the locker keys and academic departments assign the lockers. Traditionally the lockers and have been given to graduate students.
Kathleen Anderson
Support Services
I saw a post saying that short term lockers has been increase to one week with one renewal but I checked out the locker key and it was still 3days. Does policy changed again?
Dear Eunmi,
The short term locker service started in the fall of 2008 as a pilot program. The loan time was initially 1 day, and though students were delighted to have access to a locker for intermittent needs, they told us that they preferred to borrow the key for a longer time. We tried a one week loan time and found that there was too little turnover and many students never got a chance to borrow a key. So we revisited the loan time question in the spring 2009 and tweaked the loan period to 48 hours.
Do we have it just right? In an effort to be sure that we have this program designed to meet the majority of students needs, we will be taking a survey this fall. We will be asking your opinion and I hope that you will respond.
Kathleen Anderson
Support Services