Conversations in medicine happen billions of times each day. Everyone within the medical community, including the patients, talks and talks and tries to reach mutual understanding. As studies show, we’re trying to get better at this, but we still have a way to go.
What can help these crucial conversations? How about a speaker series entitled Conversations in Medicine? This program, whose theme this year is Consequences of our Medical Culture: Physician and Patient Perspectives, allows the Hopkins community to hear from and talk with physicians about their lives in the medical profession.
CiM is co-sponsored by the JHU chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the national pre-med honor society; the Women’s Pre-Health Leadership Society; and the Post-Baccalaureate Program.
Dr. Danielle Ofri, who spoke most recently, related some of her experiences as a new doctor and what she learned from them. She has written about those years in several books, and is also a columnist for the New England Journal of Medicine. Her most recent book, What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine, is also on the “Recommended Reading List” on the web site of the Pre-professional Advising Office.
The next speaker will be Dr. Albert Wu of the JH School of Public Health. Among many other credentials, Dr. Wu is the director of the Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research; as many of his recent publications show, his areas of research include patient outcomes and quality of care. And in fact, excellent patient care and outcomes have always been the focus of health professions.
Come to meet and talk with Dr. Wu:
- Wednesday, November 19, 2014
- 8:00 PM
- Charles Commons, Ballroom A
Annie, Thanks so much for pointing that out. It’s now fixed. See you there, Sue
Hi Sue, Thanks so much for posting about our Symposium. I just wanted to let you know that CiM is actually co-sponsored by AED, the Women’s Pre-Health Leadership Society, & the Post-Baccalaureate Program.
Hope you’re having a great week.