You need a book review. You need to find a Bible. You need to find patents, or an art catalog, or protocols, or Spanish dictionaries, or information about e-books. Where do you start??
Start with the Research Guides.
The pull-down list of GUIDES BY TOPIC is on the library home page. This is the list of guides written by your librarians, who care about you and want you to be successful.
Here are examples of some of the great information in these incredibly helpful guides:
- Citation tools like RefWorks and Zotero
- Book reviews
- Bibles (in the Near Eastern Studies guide)
- Patents (in the Engineering guide)
- Art catalogs (in the Art History guide)
- Protocols (in the Biological Sciences guide)
- Spanish dictionaries (in the Spanish Language and Literature guide; there are also guides for French, German, and Italian)
- Information about e-books
- Some of the medical journals need a password (the list is on the Medicine guide)
No matter what you’re studying, take a look through the list of research guides, so that you can see some of our amazing resources. (Baltimore, anyone?)